
You can apply for an otitsunii account here.

Otitsunii is Oulun Tietoteekkarit ry’s own Linux server. The server is part of the guild’s cluster of servers. Users are eligible for an account to the server if they are members of Oulun Tietoteekkarit ry.

To apply for an account, you need to fill out an application form found in the information bank section of the website. The form can be printed from the provided file.

You can fill out the application form either on a computer before printing or with clear handwriting using a ballpoint pen (not a pencil). The printed application needs to be dated and signed before being returned to the guild’s mailbox or directly to one of the board members. After that, the application will first go through the board’s evaluation and then processed by the guild’s operators. The username and password will be handed out only in person. Users must change their password during their first login to otitsunii.

What can you do with an otitsunii account

After receiving the otitsunii credentials, you can, for example: • Engage in IRC (Internet Relay Chat) conversations. Instructions for IRC can be found in the IRC guide.
• Host your own pages through the public_html directory. These pages can be accessed at otit.fi/~tunnus.
• Within the terms of use, host and maintain small self-made programs.
• Store files on the server. However, it is essential to be cautious with file permissions, and it is not advisable to store highly sensitive data on otitsunii.
• Request an email address in the format of username@otit.fi. The email inbox will be created in Google Workspace. You can request the email address from operators or the board.

Terms of Use

When applying for a user account, the applicant agrees to adhere to the rules governing the use of the computer systems and data communication network of the University of Oulu, the ethical guidelines for using the FUNET network, as well as the instructions provided by the board and system administration of Oulun Tietoteekkarit ry for server usage.

The password must be changed immediately after receiving the account. In case of any issues, the administration can be contacted at adm(at)otit.fi.

Who maintains the servers?

The guild’s servers are maintained by operators elected during the guild’s yearly meeting. Operators do not receive payment for their work; all activities are done on a voluntary basis. However, being an operator provides valuable experience in server management and offers insight into the practical aspects of maintaining a small server cluster. No prior experience is necessary for the role of an operator, just a genuine enthusiasm for learning.

How can I get additional services for my account?

Send a message to adm(at)otit.fi and kindly inquire about the desired service from the operators to see if it can be accommodated on the guild’s servers. For instance, services like a VoIP server or a game server could be considered.