Rules of the Guild
1 § Name of the association
The name of the association is Oulun Tietoteekkarit ry. In international contexts, the unofficial English name Oulu University Guild of Computer Science and Engineering may be used. The official abbreviation of the guild in all languages is OTiT. In these rules, the association is referred to as the guild.
2 § Domicile and language
The domicile of the guild is Oulu, and the official language is Finnish.
3 § Purpose
The purpose of the guild is to act as a unifier for students in the computer science and engineering program at the University of Oulu. The guild aims to support students in academic and leisure matters. It advocates for its members’ interests within the university and maintains relationships with other similar domestic and international organizations. The guild seeks to foster its members’ interest in ethical, societal, and cultural issues, as well as promote mental well-being.
4 § Implementation of purpose and support for activities
To fulfill its purpose, the guild
- Engages in educational, informational, and publishing activities
- Organizes study trips, job placement services for its members, sports and recreational events, as well as entertainment and cultural activities.
- To support its activities, the guild may
- Organize, with proper authorization, sales events, fundraisers, raffles, paid entertainment events, and other similar activities
- Operate, with proper authorization, beverage and catering services at its events
- Own and manage movable and immovable property necessary for its activities
- Receive grants, donations, and inheritances.
5 § Members
Eligible for membership in the guild are all students of the computer science and engineering programs at the University of Oulu whose studies lead to a Master of Science in Technology. Alumni membership is available to those who have graduated from the University of Oulu in computer science and engineering, doctoral students, and those who have earned a doctoral degree. Upon graduation, a full member becomes an alumni member. The guild’s board approves full members, alumni members, and supporting members. Supporting membership is available to individuals or legal entities. The guild may appoint honorary members for individuals deemed especially meritorious.
6 § Membership fees
The guild may charge a membership and joining fee from its full members, as determined by the guild’s election meeting. Supporting members are charged a supporting membership fee as determined by the election meeting. Alumni and honorary members are exempt from membership and joining fees.
7 § Rights of members
All guild members have the right to attend and speak at guild meetings. Only full members have voting rights and are eligible for election at guild meetings. Members retain their acquired membership rights.
8 § Disciplinary action
The board may, as a disciplinary measure, temporarily prohibit a member from participating in guild events. This prohibition does not apply to guild meetings.
9 § Resignation
A guild member has the right to resign by submitting a written resignation to the guild’s board or chairperson or by announcing the resignation during a guild meeting that is to be recorded in the minutes.
10 § Expulsion
A guild member may be expelled temporarily or permanently by a three-fourths (3/4) majority vote at a guild meeting if they have, through their actions within or outside the guild, hindered its operation. Members who behave inappropriately may be reprimanded during a guild meeting. A full member may be expelled from the guild if they fail to register as a student of computer science and engineering at the University of Oulu.
11 § Right of appeal
Members have the right to appeal decisions made by guild officers or bodies to the guild’s board. If dissatisfied with the board’s decision, a written appeal may be submitted to the guild meeting within 30 days of the public announcement of the decision. Appeals are addressed at the next guild meeting.
12 § Meetings
The guild’s statutory meetings are the annual meeting and the election meeting.
13 § Meeting invitations
The guild meeting is called by the guild’s board. The meeting invitation must be posted on the guild’s notice board and sent to the general guild mailing list at least seven days before the meeting. The agenda must be attached to the invitation.
14 § Quorum of the meeting
The guild meeting is quorate when it has been lawfully convened.
15 § Annual meeting
The guild’s annual meeting must be held annually between February and April. At the annual meeting:
- The report on the previous term, financial statement, and auditors’ report are presented
- Decisions are made regarding the approval of the financial statement and the discharge of liability for the previous board
- Announcements are addressed
- Other matters mentioned in the meeting invitation are addressed
- Other raised matters are discussed.
16 § Election meeting
The election meeting must be held annually between November and December.
At the election meeting:
- The number of board members and their roles for the next term are determined
- The guild board for the next term is elected
- Two auditors and two deputy auditors for the next term are selected
- The roles of officers for the next term are defined
- Officers for the next term are appointed
- The action plan for the next term is decided
- The budget for the next term is approved
- Membership and joining fees are set
- Announcements are addressed
- Other matters mentioned in the meeting invitation are addressed
- Other raised matters are discussed.
17 § Additional meeting
The guild board may convene an additional guild meeting at its discretion. The board must also call an additional meeting if at least one-tenth (1/10) of the guild’s voting members submit a written request for a specific matter. The meeting must be held within two weeks of the submission of the request. This two-week period does not include breaks between University of Oulu semesters.
18 § Handling of matters
A matter being handled for the first time will be tabled if at least one-tenth (1/10), or at least five voting members, request it. Elections cannot be postponed. A matter that would otherwise be tabled may be handled as urgent if it was mentioned in the meeting invitation and the meeting approves it with a three-fourths (3/4) majority. A matter not mentioned in the meeting invitation may be addressed if at least half of the members present wish to do so, in compliance with Section 24 of the Finnish Associations Act. Votes in meetings are open unless at least two voting members request a secret ballot. Voting by proxy is not allowed. A candidate in an election wins if they receive more than half of the votes cast. If no one receives a majority in the first round, a second round is held between the top two candidates. In elections where multiple positions are to be filled at once, the candidates with the most votes are elected. Other matters are decided by a simple majority, unless otherwise specified in these rules. In the event of a tie, the chairperson has the deciding vote, except in elections where the tie is decided by drawing lots. The two minute-checkers elected during the meeting are responsible for verifying the accuracy of the minutes. They cannot serve as vote counters.
19 § Board
The guild’s affairs are managed by a board elected at the election meeting for a term, consisting of a chairperson, treasurer, secretary, and at least two and no more than nine other members. The board elects a vice-chairperson from among its members. The board meets at the invitation of the chairperson or, in their absence, the vice-chairperson, when they consider it necessary or when at least half of the board members request a meeting. The board has a quorum when at least half of its members, including the chairperson or vice-chairperson, are present. Voting is decided by a simple majority. In case of a tie, the chairperson’s vote decides, except in elections, where the tie is decided by drawing lots.
20 § Duties of the board
The board’s duties include:
- Preparing the budget and action plan
- Managing the guild’s financial and other assets
- Ensuring the guild’s activities are conducted properly and managing day-to-day affairs
- Representing the guild officially
- Convening guild meetings when necessary
- Organizing guild meetings and implementing decisions made at the meetings
- Ensuring adherence to the rules
- Preparing the financial statement and the annual report.
21 § Signing the guild’s name
The guild’s name is signed by the chairperson, treasurer, and vice-chairperson, each individually. The task is considered to be served to the guild when delivered to a person authorized to sign on its behalf.
22 § Operational and financial year
The guild’s operational and financial year is the calendar year.
23 § Auditors
The guild’s financial management is overseen by auditors. The financial statement and necessary documents must be submitted to the auditors no later than four (4) weeks before the annual meeting. The auditors must submit their written report to the board no later than two (2) weeks before the annual meeting.
24 § Guild insignia
The guild’s official insignia include:
- The guild’s cockade
- Badge of merit
- Badge of honor
- Official badge
- Board cockade
- Guild ribbon
- Alumni pin
- Guild flag
The usage and awarding criteria for the guild insignia are defined in the guild insignia regulation.
25 § Bylaws
The guild may have bylaws to provide additional regulations complementing these rules. The bylaws may govern matters such as:
- The guild’s administration, finances, and asset management
- The procedures of the board and other bodies
- The guild’s symbols
A bylaw cannot include orders that conflict with these rules or with the Finnish laws or regulations. The bylaws and any amendments must be approved by a three-quarters (3/4) majority of the votes cast at a guild meeting. The decision to adopt or amend a bylaw cannot be made unless the matter is included in the meeting notice. The bylaw or amendment becomes effective once it has been approved at a guild meeting and the meeting minutes are signed by the minutes’ reviewers.
26 § Amendments to the rules
A decision to amend the rules must be made in two consecutive guild meetings held at least two weeks apart, with a three-quarters (3/4) majority of the votes cast.
27 § Dissolution of the guild
A decision to dissolve the Guild must be made in two consecutive meetings held with at least a one-month interval during the semesters of the University of Oulu, with a three-fourths (3/4) majority of the votes cast.
28 § Distribution of assets in the event of dissolution
In the event of the dissolution or termination of the Guild, the Guild’s assets will be transferred to Oulun Teekkariyhdistys ry or a similar registered association.
These rules were approved at the extraordinary meeting of Oulun Tietoteekkarit ry on October 17, 2022, and at the election meeting on November 24, 2022.
The rules were registered with the Finnish Patent and Registration Office on February 13, 2023.