Information package for Freshmen
This page contains information for freshmen about various events, the freshmen pass, what happens during Wappu, and how to have the best possible freshman year and be reborn as a Teekkari in the spring!
Before studies
Before the start of your studies, make sure you have completed all the steps listed on this page. You will also receive a greeting from your Tutor to the email address you provided during the application process. Emails will start arriving around mid-August, once the last students have accepted their study places and you have been assigned to small groups. It is also good to download both the Tuudo and Telegram apps. The Tutor letter will include a link to both your small group’s and your year group’s Telegram groups, where information is shared even before the start of studies. A PROlogi event is also organized before the start of studies, where you can meet Tutors, board members, and other freshmen before starting your studies. PROlogi is usually held on the Saturday before the start of studies, but this will be announced separately. The university is located about 7 km from the city center, so it’s worth considering your place of residence. Generally good places are the city center area, Linnanmaa, Alppila, Tuira, and Toppilansalmi. Public transportation runs well between the city center and Linnanmaa, passing through Alppila and Tuira. Cycling is also popular in Oulu, as the terrain is flat and the Baana bike paths are well maintained. So, it’s worth getting a bike and a sturdy lock!
First day
Before the first day, it’s a good idea to download the Tuudo app on your phone. It includes the university map, where you can find the location for the orientation class, and by following the map, you can easily find your way. In the Telegram groups, the locations can also be shared. You can arrive at the university by walking, cycling, bus, or car. Google Maps is very helpful when walking, cycling, or driving. The main entrance of the university is 2T, located on the east side of the campus. Bus lines run next to the main entrance, so when you enter your address and the destination as the University of Oulu in the Waltti app or Google, it will show you the route to the Linnanmaa campus. If you arrive by car, there are parking spaces in front of and behind the university. During the first week, parking enforcement is more relaxed, so parking officers will not issue tickets in the first week. It is advisable to download the eParking app, where you need to register your car to avoid fines in the university parking areas. Your Tutor can help you with this if needed. On the first day, you don’t really need to bring anything, but having your own laptop is useful because course registrations are done on the first day under the guidance of the tutors. This can also be done with a smartphone.
Every freshman has their own small group and Tutor. Tutoring includes several guidance sessions where you go through essential matters related to university studies and life in Finland. Tutors have specific topics they cover with freshmen according to their own schedule. Tutor guidance sessions take place during the fall of the freshman year as part of the Orientation course.
What being a Teekkari means
What is a Teekkari? A Teekkari is a student in the field of technology or architecture after they have received their Teekkari cap. In Oulu, students of Computer Science-, Mechanical-, Process-, Electronics and Telecommunications-, Medical-, Civil and Environmental-, Mining and Enrichment Technology, Industrial Engineering and Management, and Architecture are called Teekkaris after surviving their first year as a fuksi. What does being a Teekkari include? The most traditional and recognizable symbol of a Teekkari is the Teekkari cap, but in addition to symbols, being a Teekkari also strongly includes partaking in Teekkari culture. In Oulu, Teekkari culture and its diversity are cherished. This includes, among other things, singing, pranking, and campaigning cultures, as well as excursions.
“Kilta” (guild) is a general term for student organizations within the Teekkari community, but it can also refer to organizations in other fields of study. The guild serves as a link for students in the same degree program, with its main role being to promote the well-being of its members by organizing various events. Members of the guild’s board and officers, known as “guild actives,” can be found on the guild’s website. Each has their own responsibilities, and they exist to support both academics and to create a comfortable and safe community for everyone. Guilds also have their own guild rooms, which are open to everyone, whether for studying or just hanging out. In Oulu, the Teekkari guilds include Oulun Tietoteekkarit ry (OTiT ry), Oulun Prosessikilta ry (PROSE), Oulun Yliopiston Ympäristörakentajakilta ry (YRK), Sähköinsinöörikilta ry (SIK), Oulun lääketieteen tekniikan opiskelijat ry (OLTO), Oulun tuotantotalousteekkarit ry (OPTIEM), Oulun Arkkitehtikilta ry (ARK), and Oulun yliopiston koneinsinöörikilta ry (KONE).
OTY, or Oulun Teekkariyhdistys ry, is the umbrella organization for all Teekkari guilds in Oulu. OTY upholds the Teekkari culture in Oulu, organizes events like Wappu, and advocates for its members’ interests. It acts as a link between technology students and the guilds at the University of Oulu. Freshmen become members of OTY when they order their Teekkari caps. These caps are ordered through OTY for all the Teekkari guilds. OTY organizes various events that promote Teekkari culture, such as Teekkarijäynä, different stunts, Teekkari excursions, and a song lyrics competition.
Fuksi committee
Fuksi Committee or Fuksijaos is an 18-member committee under OTY, responsible for all events related to Teekkari freshmen. The committee includes two representatives from each Teekkari guild and is led by OTY’s Fuksiohjaaja (Fuksi guide) along with Fuksiapuri (Fuksi helper). Members of Fuksijaos can be identified by a ribbon around the right thigh of their overalls, onto which the Fuksijaos overall patch is sewn. The color of the ribbon and the Freshman pass changes annually. You can read more on the OTY’s website.
Freshman pass
The Freshman pass is an essential part of a Teekkari freshman’s life. It’s your tool for becoming a Teekkari. You can learn more about the contents of the Freshman pass on the Oulun Teekkariyhdistys website. The Freshman pass consists of various tasks, which can include events, stunts, and more, aimed at introducing you to the Teekkari culture in Oulu! You must collect a certain number of points in the pass before Wappu to be able to participate in the Teekkari swimming ceremony and earn your very own Teekkari cap. It’s worth trying everything with an open mind, not just for the Teekkari cap, but also to see what being a Teekkari is all about.
The highlight of every academic year is the Wappu festivities in April. You might often hear the saying “Wabu ei lobu” (Wappu never ends). Wappu is the most anticipated event of the year, and its celebrations last for two whole weeks in Oulu, featuring various events. The most important events for freshmen are the Fuksi competitions on Waatonaatto, the Fuksi swimming on Waatto, and the cap ceremony on the morning of Wappu. The entire freshman year leads up to Wappu, where you get to place the Teekkari cap on your head and be reborn as a Teekkari.