
Freshmen, often called “Fuksis”, are divided into small groups right at the beginning of their studies, and each group has its own group leader, called a student tutor. Their task is to guide the fuksis through the beginning of their studies. Feel free to approach them with any questions or concerns you may have.

During the fuksi year, many events are organized specifically for fuksis to attend, which allows them to meet new people and get them familiar with the student culture. The freshmen year culminates in “Wappu,” where fuksis “die” and are reborn as Teekkaris (engineering students). Throughout all of this, the fuksis are supported by their student tutors and our guild’s Minister of Labor Force.

Throughout the year, you will probably encounter many questions and unfamiliar terms. You can find answers to these, for example, in the guild room, on Telegram, or IRC. Additionally through the university and online resources, you can find useful software to assist you with your studies.